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- Dateigröße 626.73 KB
- Datei-Anzahl 1
- Erstellungsdatum 17. Dezember 2023
- Zuletzt aktualisiert 17. Dezember 2023
ITU Zonen Karte
Diese ITU-Zonenkarten eignen sich für die ‚IARU HF Championships‘, einen beliebten weltweiten Amateurfunkwettbewerb, und andere ITU-Zonenjagdauszeichnungen und -wettbewerbe. Sie zeigen ITU-Zonen vor einem Hintergrund von Ham-Ländern, wobei die Zonen 06, 07 und 08 an ARRL-Definitionen grenzen
This ITU Zones World Map is an essential resource for amateur radio enthusiasts. Its clear representation of ITU zones makes it invaluable for participants in competitions like the IARU HF Championships and for those pursuing ITU zone hunting awards. The detailed, easy-to-read design ensures smooth navigation and accurate reference for radio operations across the glob
The ITU Zones World Map is a crucial tool for amateur radio enthusiasts, especially for those participating in events like the IARU HF Championships. Its clear depiction of ITU zones, along with their alignment with ARRL definitions, makes it an invaluable reference for zone hunting and radio operations. The map’s user-friendly design ensures accuracy and ease of use. For more details, visit the full page.
These ITU zone maps are an excellent tool for amateur radio enthusiasts participating in global competitions like the IARU HF Championships or pursuing ITU zone hunting awards. The maps clearly outline ITU zones against a backdrop of amateur radio countries, making them invaluable for navigation and strategic planning. Highlighting zones 06, 07, and 08 near ARRL definitions, these maps offer precision and utility for competitive and recreational purposes. Their detailed design ensures smooth operation and accuracy for radio communication activities worldwide.